Agriculture related all full forms

Agriculture related all full forms
  1. ADB – Asian Development Bank (Founded in 1966)
  2. AEC – Atomic Energy Commission
  3. AED – Agro-Ecosystem Director
  4. AESR – Agro-Eco-Sub-Region
  5. AFC – Agricultural Finance Corporation
  6. AgGDP – Agricultural Gross Domestic Product
  7. AGMARK – Agricultural Produce Grading and Marketing
  8. AICRP – All India Coordinated Research Project
  9. AICRPDA – All India Coordinated Research Project on Dryland Agriculture
  10. AIDEA – Association for Innovation Development of Entrepreneurship in Agriculture
  11. AKIS – Agriculture Knowledge and Information System
  12. AIC – Agricultural Insurance Company of India Ltd.
  13. AIIB – Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
  14. AMA – Agricultural Co-Marketing Advisor
  15. APC – Agricultural Price Commission
  16. APEDA – Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Dev. Authority
  17. APHNET – Animal Production and Health Informatics Network
  18. ARDC – Agriculture Refinance and Development Corporation
  19. ARIS – Agricultural Research Information System
  20. ARISNET – Agricultural Research Information System Network
  21. ARPIS – Agricultural Research Project Information System
  22. ARS – Agricultural Research Services
  23. ARYA – Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture
  24. ASEAN – Association of South East Asian Nations
  25. ATMA – Agricultural Technology Management Agency
  26. BMC – Bulk Milk Cooler
  27. BOD – Biological Oxygen Demand
  28. Bt – Bacillus thuringiensis
  29. CACP – Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices
  30. CAD – Command Area Development
  31. CAPART – Council for Advancement of Peoples Actions and Rural Technology
  32. CASE – Commission on Alternative Sources of Energy
  33. CB – Co-operative Bank
  34. CBA – Capture Based Aquaculture
  35. CCEA – Cabinet Committee for Economic Affairs
  36. CCI – Cotton Corporation of India
  37. CDAC – Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
  38. CDD – Cattle and Dairy Development
  39. CDP – Community Development Programme
  40. CeRA – Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture
  41. CFDO – Central Fodder Development Organization
  42. CFSPF – Central Fodder Seed Production Farm
  43. CGIAR – Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research
  44. CII – Confederation of Indian Industry
  45. CIRDAP – Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific
  46. GIS – Geographical Information System
  47. CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
  48. CIAT – International Centre for Tropical Agriculture
  49. CMTP – Central Minikit Testing Programme
  50. CRIDA – Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
  51. CSC – Central Seed Committee
  52. CSIR – Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
  53. CSO – Central Statistical Organisation
  54. CWWG – Crop Weather Watch Group
  55. DAC – Department of Agriculture and Cooperation
  56. DADF – Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
  57. DARE – Department of Agricultural Research and Extension
  58. DBT – Department of Biotechnology
  59. DDP – Desert Development Programme
  60. DDT – Dichloro-Diphenyl- Trichloroethane
  61. DMI – Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Faridabad
  62. DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  63. DOR – Director of Research
  64. DPAP – Drought Prone Area Programme
  65. DRM – Disaster Risk Management
  66. DST – Department of Science and Technology
  67. EBRD – European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  68. EDP – Electronic Data Processing
  69. EDP – Entrepreneurship Development Programmes
  70. EEC – European Economic Community
  71. EPA – Eicosapentaenoic Acid / Environmental Protection Agency
  72. FAO – Food and Agricultural Organisation
  73. FCI – Food Corporation of India
  74. FICCI – Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  75. FSS – Farmers Service Society
  76. FTC – Farmers Training Centre
  77. FYM – Farm Yard Manure
  78. FYP – Five Year Plan
  79. G-8 – Group of Eight (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States
  80. GAPs – Good Agricultural Practices
  81. GDP – Gross Domestic Product
  82. GHGs – Green House Gases
  83. GIR – Geographical Indications Registry
  84. GIS – Geographic Information System
  85. GNP – Gross National Product
  86. GPS – Global Positioning System
  87. HAD – Hill Area Development Programme
  88. HOFED – Horticultural Cooperative Marketing Federation
  89. HRD – Human resource development
  90. HT-Crop – Herbicide Tolerant Crop
  91. HYVP – High Yielding Varieties Programme
  92. IAAP – Intensive Agricultural Area Programme
  93. IADA – Intensive Agricultural District Programme
  94. IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency
  95. IARI – Indian Agricultural Research Institute
  96. IARC – International agricultural research centre
  97. IASRI – Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute
  98. IBRD – International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  99. ICAR – Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  100. ICDP – Intensive Cattle Development Programme
  101. ICFA – Indian Council for Food and Agriculture
  102. ICRAF – International Council for Research in Agroforestry
  103. ICRISAT – International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid and Tropics, Hyderabad
  104. ICT – Information and Communication Technology
  105. IDAD – Integrated Dryland Agricultural Development
  106. IDBI – Industrial Development Bank of India
  107. IFAD – International Fund for Agriculture Development
  108. IFFCO – Indian Farmers Fertilizer Co-operative Ltd.
  109. IFOAM – International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement
  110. IFPRI – International Food Policy Research Institute
  111. IFS – Integrated Farming System
  112. IMD – Indian Meteorological Department
  113. IMF – International Monetary Fund
  114. INM – Integrated nutrient management
  115. INTA – Institute National de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (Argentina)
  116. IODP – Intensive Oil Seed Development Programme
  117. IPCC – Intergovernal Panel on Climate Change
  118. IPGRI – International Plant Genetic Resource Institute, Rome, Italy
  119. IPM – Integrated Pest Management
  120. IPR – Intellectual Property Rights
  121. IRDP – Integrated Rural Development Programme
  122. IRR – Internal Rate of Return
  123. ISNAR – International Service for National Agricultural Research
  124. ISO – International Standards Organisation
  125. ITK – Indigenous technology knowledge
  126. IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
  127. IVLP – Institute Village Link Programme
  128. JRY – Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
  129. KCC – Kissan Call Centre
  130. KCCS – Kishan Credit Card Scheme
  131. KVK – Krishi Vigyan Kendra
  132. LBS – Lead Bank Scheme
  133. LDB – Land Development Bank
  134. LISNET – Land Information System Network
  135. MCP – Multiple Cropping Programme
  136. MFAL – Marginal Farmers and Agricultural Labour Programme
  137. MIS – Management information system
  138. MMT – Mean Monthly Temperature
  139. MNAIS – Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (2010)
  140. MNCs – Multinational companies
  141. MOU – Memorandum of understanding
  142. MSP – Minimum Support Price/Minimum Standard Protocol
  143. MSY – Mahila Samridhi Yojana
  144. NAARM – National Academy of Agricultural Research Management
  145. NABARD – National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (1982)
  146. NADAMS – National Agriculture Drought Advisory and Management Systems
  147. NADRS – National Animal Disease Reporting System
  148. NAEP – National Agriculture Extension Project
  149. NAFED – National Agriculture Co-operative Marketing Federation
  150. NAIP – National Agricultural Innovative Project
  151. NAIS – National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
  152. NAMA – Non Agricultural Market Access
  153. NAPCC – National Action Plan on Climate Change
  154. NARP – National Agricultural Research Project
  155. NARS – National Agricultural Research System
  156. NASA – National Aeronautics & Space Administration (USA)
  157. NATP – National Agricultural Technology Project
  158. NBAGR – National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources
  159. NBPGR – National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
  160. NBSSLUP – National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning
  161. NCA – National Commission on Agriculture
  162. NCAER – National Council for Agricultural Economics and Research.
  163. NCAP – National Centre for Agricultural Planning
  164. NCDC – National Co-operative Development Corporation
  165. NCF – National Commission on Farmers
  166. NCIPM – National Center for Integrated Pest Management
  167. NDDB – National Dairy Development Board
  168. NES – National Extension Service
  169. NFSM – National Food Security Mission
  170. NGO – Non-governmental organization
  171. NHB – National Horticulture Board
  172. NHM – National Horticulture Mission
  173. NIAM – National Institute of Agricultural Marketing National Institute of Agricultural Management
  174. NIN – National Institute of Nutrition
  175. NIPGR – National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi
  176. NISAGENET – National Information System on Agricultural Education Network in India
  177. NIC– National Informatics Centre
  178. NITI – National Institute for Transforming India
  179. NOAA – National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (USA)
  180. NOVOD – National Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils Development Board.
  181. NPV – Net present value
  182. NRC – National Research Centre
  183. NRDWP – National Rural Drinking Water Supply Programme
  184. NREGA – (Mahatma Ghandhi) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
  185. NSAP – National Social Assistance Programme
  186. NSC – National Seed Corporation
  187. NSRTC – National Seeds Research and Training Centre
  188. OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  189. OPDP – Oil Palm Development Programme
  190. PCAARD – Philippines Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development
  191. PD – Poultry Development
  192. PDS – Public Distribution System
  193. PI – Principal investigator
  194. PIU – Project Implementation Unit (of NATP)
  195. PKVY – Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana
  196. PME – Prioritisation, monitoring and evaluation
  197. PPS – Principal Production System Scientist
  198. PPTD – Pilot Project for Tribal Development
  199. PPV&FR – Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights
  200. PQSs – Plant Quarantine Stations
  201. PRA – Participatory Rural Appraisal
  202. PRAP – Participatory Action Research Programme
  203. PURA – Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas
  204. PVP – Plant variety protection
  205. R&D – Research and development
  206. RAC – Research Advisory Committee
  207. RADP – Rainfed Area Development Programme
  208. READY – Rural and Entrepreneurship Awareness Development Yojana
  209. RFC – Research Programme Committee
  210. RKVY – Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
  211. RLEGP – Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme
  212. RMK – Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
  213. RPF – Research Project File
  214. RRB – Regional Rural Banks
  215. RUCHI – Rural Centre for Human Interests
  216. SAARC – South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  217. SAP – Scientific Advisory Panel (of Agro-Ecosystem)
  218. SAREP – Strategic adaptive research and extension plan
  219. SAU – State Agricultural University
  220. SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations)
  221. SEBI – Security and Exchange Board of India
  222. SFAC – Small Farmers Agri-Business Consortium
  223. SFDA – Small Farmers Development Agency
  224. SGSY – Swaran Jyanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
  225. SMS – Short Message Service
  226. SRC – Staff Research Council
  227. SRI – System of Rice Intensification.
  228. TAD – Tribal Area Development
  229. TAR – Technology assessment and refinement
  230. TERI – Tata Energy Research Institute
  231. TOT – Transfer of Technology
  232. TRIFED – Tribal Co-operative Marketing Federation of India
  233. TRYSEM – Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment
  234. TTC – Trainer’s Training Centre
  235. UGC – University Grants Commission
  236. UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  237. UNDP – United Nations Development Programme
  238. UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme
  239. UNESCO – United Nations Economic Social and Cultural Organization
  240. UNFPA – United Nations Fund for Population Activities
  241. USDA – United States Department of Agriculture
  242. UTI – Unit Trust of India
  243. VAT – Value Added Tax
  244. VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol
  245. WADA – World Anti-Doping Agency
  246. WBCIS – Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme
  247. WEF – World Economic Forum
  248. WFC – World Food Council
  249. WFP – World Food Programme
  250. WHO – World Health Organization
  251. WSIS – World Summit on Information Society
  252. WTO – World Trade Organisation
  253. WVDP – Whole Village Development Programme
  254. ZSI – Zoological Survey of India

Agriculture related all research center.

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